Sarcina de lucru pentru elevi:
1. Access with the session code „23518”
2. Watch the video that explains the grammar lesson.
3. Answer the multiple choice quiz after watching the video to check how much you remember.
4. Access the link provided next and read the short text, underlining/highlighting the indefinite articles
5. Next watch the video that revises the new vocabulary about food and cooking tools.
6. Write 5 sentences with 5 fruits/vegetables, using the indefinite article, too.
7. Write a short shopping list.
Rezultate așteptate ale învățării (competențe și/sau obiective):
O1: to enrich their vocabulary regarding food preparation and cooking tools
O2: to solve exercises using the new vocabulary
O3: to use the new vocabulary in productions of their own
O4: to correctly use the previous knowledge of grammar and vocabulary
Tip de activitate: Temă pentru acasă
Sarcina de lucru se va realiza: Individual
Modul probabil de desfășurare a activității:
After they access the link, they watch the video. It doesn't provide any new information, it just revises what they have already learned in class, so its understanding should be quite high. The, they will answer 5 multiple choice questions. The answers were in the first video so, if they payed attention, there shoud be no mistakes. For the short text, the students should use a dictionary for any new words they will find. They will search for any indefinite article present in the text. The second video just revises new vocabulary. After the students watch it, they will choose 5 fruits or vegetables and make 5 sentences, making sure they use the indefinite article. To further understand the new vocabulary and grammar, the students will also write a short shopping list using the words recently learned.
Accesări: 733
Alte activități pentru: Limba engleză Clasa a V-a
Alte activități care utilizează: video Symbaloo
Căutare avansată
Licență: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, Atribuire-necomercial-distribuire în condiţii identice 4.0 internațional
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