Sarcina de lucru pentru elevi:
Dear students, for your homework I would like you to get to know Voki. Voki is an online application, a very friendly one which I am sure you will love it. This application allows you to choose a character, their voice, their clothes and so much more, do not worry about it, I am going to show you everything that you need to do. Your homework will be to introduce us your favorite animal. Also, Voki lets you to introduce a text in a particular box which will be played by that particular character that you will choose. In that box, I want you to tell us what your favorite animal is and the name. I would also like you to use your imagination as much as you can. In order to do that, you can imagine that your animal can really speak and it tells about the relationship that it has with you. You can do everything you want, this was just a simple example. Obviously that you can use colours and everything that you want in order to look exactly like your dream animal. Now, let me introduce you this application.
Rezultate așteptate ale învățării (competențe și/sau obiective):
To acquire new vocabulary
Tip de activitate: Temă pentru acasă
Sarcina de lucru se va realiza: Individual
Modul probabil de desfășurare a activității:
The students are expected to use their imagination as much as they can by solving this task and the two mandatory requirements, namely the name, the type of animal and one more thing which is up to them. Also, more importantly, the students are expected to have fun when using the application and creating this character, which also implies acquiring new vocabulary and using a new type of useful online application.
Accesări: 697
Contribuitor: Nicolae-Alexandru Boteanu - Facultatea de Limbi și Literaturi Străine (2018)
Alte activități pentru: Limba engleză Clasa a III-a
Alte activități care utilizează: Voki
Căutare avansată
Licență: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, Atribuire-necomercial-distribuire în condiţii identice 4.0 internațional
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