Sarcina de lucru pentru elevi:
At home, you must complete Exercise 5 on page 76. It is a song in which you have to fill in the gaps with the given words.
To work easier, I recommend you to access (Uniscan digital textbook, pg.76) and watch the video. Then listen, read and check.
Additionally, you need to create a word cloud with the prepositions of place from the song and post them on the Google Classroom platform. Use
Rezultate așteptate ale învățării (competențe și/sau obiective):
To name the objects in the house
To determine the location of objects in rooms, using prepositions of place correctly
To recognize the words that names the place of objects in the house
Tip de activitate: Temă pentru acasă
Sarcina de lucru se va realiza: Individual
Modul probabil de desfășurare a activității:
Students read and transcribe the task. Then watch the clip in the digital book and fill the words in the spaces marked with numbers from 1 to 8. Listen, read and check the homework, then underline the prepositions of place.Then use create a word cloud with the prepositions of place from the song. The word cloud is saved to the computer and then uploaded to the Google Classroom platform.
Accesări: 808
Contribuitor: Marioara Dragomir - Școala Gimnazială Făcăeni (Ialomița) (2020)
Alte activități pentru: Limba engleză Clasa a VII-a
Alte activități care utilizează: WordArt manuale digitale Google Classroom
Căutare avansată
Licență: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, Atribuire-necomercial-distribuire în condiţii identice 4.0 internațional
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